Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Muay Thai Techniques Kicking – Developing Power and Speed

Kicking is one among the foremost used techniques in Thai Boxing and is employed to line up alternative attacks. during this video, you’ll notice the primary drill is that the multiple alternating kicks. this is often an honest drill to run the last 5-15 seconds of a spherical, it’ll facilitate develops your kicking speed and type.

The second drill is that the single kick. this is often the time to develop facility of your kick.  the arm on the kicking leg aspect, slices through the air to his aspect, serving to to get power.  When he kicks he raises on the ball of his foot and pivots his body to his opponent. the sole issue I teach differently is to possess the non-slicing arm (opposite arm of the kicking leg), come upon the face and temple so as to guard your melon.

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