Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Muay Thai Techniques Kicking – Developing Power and Speed

Kicking is one among the foremost used techniques in Thai Boxing and is employed to line up alternative attacks. during this video, you’ll notice the primary drill is that the multiple alternating kicks. this is often an honest drill to run the last 5-15 seconds of a spherical, it’ll facilitate develops your kicking speed and type.

The second drill is that the single kick. this is often the time to develop facility of your kick.  the arm on the kicking leg aspect, slices through the air to his aspect, serving to to get power.  When he kicks he raises on the ball of his foot and pivots his body to his opponent. the sole issue I teach differently is to possess the non-slicing arm (opposite arm of the kicking leg), come upon the face and temple so as to guard your melon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Muay Thai in Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed martial arts has become a sport of big popularity with its exposure on pay per read and its access to all or any corners of the planet. Organizations like the final word Fighting Championships and K-1 have brought MMA a world wide following and not solely that have galvanized young athletes to venture into the game. of late it's not uncommon to envision MMA leagues and clubs at faculties everywhere the planet.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Muay Thai Techniques - Step up Knee kick (Khao Yieb)

The step-up knee kick (Khao Yieb) is one among the foremost powerful of the Muay Thai techniques that are on the market in a fighter’s arsenal… it's, however, terribly rare to envision in an exceedingly competitive match thanks to the issue in timing and execution. When it's used effectively though, the results may be devastating. so as to utilize the step-up knee kick, do these steps:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Best of muay thai


Samart Payakaroon

Best of muay thai


Muay Thai Techniques- Defense Against Attacks

In the follow of the art of muay thai defensive skills are a awfully necessary asset for those aiming to achieve success in self-defense things, also as throughout competition.High level of proficiency in defensive ways can create a practitioner less possible to receive an accumulation of blows from his opponent, that have the potential to injure him if not effectively checked. The follow of defensive skills is simply as necessary because the follow of offensive skills within the development of a well-rounded practitioner.Practitioner with devastating offensive skills,who is lacking in defensive capabilities can suffer several defeats owing to the very fact that he's not a well-rounded fighter. the event of adequate defensive techniques are crucial parts for the event of a highly skilled muay thai practitioner.